ISBN: 978-1-329-90803-1, 150 pages
Five Easy Steps to Embedded Control Development in the Cloud
- Use MPLAB® Xpress online IDE to get productive in minutes. No installations required, just open your browser and type: “”.
- Use the free MPLAB XC compiler online to create applications for hundreds of microcontrollers.
- Use MPLAB Code Configurator to generate and customize peripheral drivers for your applications. Save hours reading datasheets, spend more time on your applications.
- Discover a whole new set of Core Independent Peripherals to save power and reduce cost.
- Follow through 20 example projects of increasing complexity and share your code with a community of users.
Who should read this book
- If you are new to embedded control, you will find an easy path to exploring the many peripherals of a modern microcontroller without the tedium of reading thousands of pages of data sheet!
- If you are a hobbyist / maker you will find here the shortest path to development for your projects!
- If you are already an expert embedded control developer you will find the fastest path to test-drive new microcontrollers and peripherals with a seamless transition to the professional tool chain!
- If you are an educator you will find the easiest introduction to embedded control without the pain of installing and maintaining lab workstations. No secondary learning curve as your students progress to a professional setup.
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