While waiting for the PICDEM Curiosity board (DM164137) to become more “available”, you can start experimenting with the many Mikroe Click boards by (re)using/hacking a PICKIT3 Low Pin Count demo board (DM164130-9).
Two SIL connectors can be easily added to the top of the (generous) prototyping area. Soldering a dozen wires (10 minutes work) is all it takes to get there!
If you really want to splurge, add a 3.5mm audio jack (female) and connect the audio signal (left, right) to pin RC2 or RC3 (OpAmp 1 and 2 output respectively on a PIC16F1709). This will give you the added ability to try out the 8-bit DAC performance in audio applications…
You will find about ten (including Audio WAV file playback) Simplicity projects posted on GitHub to stimulate your curiosity (pun intended).
They all take advantage of the Core Independent Peripherals (CIP) and extensive use of the MPLAB Code Configurator to avoid all the tedious work and keep only the fun part: experimenting!
Please fork, improve, extend, expand at will…