Author Archives: Lucio Di Jasio
NESI – Ready for Blast Off
I learned today about the NESI board (photo above), a PIC24 based data acquisition board designed to fit in the NanoRacks, a platform for research on microgravity effects on board of the International Space Station. It has been created by … Continue reading
VGA Curiosity
The idea of driving a VGA display directly from the I/Os of a small 8-bit microcontroller might seem crazy at first, and perhaps because of this, it is certainly entertaining, and possibly useful to some of you. It is actually easier than most … Continue reading
A (not so) Virtual Machine for Oberon 0
The Oberon 0 compiler I recently wrote (in Python) after following the online Compiler Construction course [1, 2] included much more than a single pass compiler. In the best tradition of such courses based on the work of N. Wirth, the lexer and parser … Continue reading
Posted in PIC16, Python, Tools
Tagged MCC, PIC16, Python, Virtual Machine, ZX Spectrum
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Compiler Construction (part 2)
As promised, I am adding a few more thoughts on my recent (re-)exploration of Compiler design and Python programming. I had been flirting before [link] with the idea of writing a compiler in Python, using tools developed in Python (for … Continue reading
High Endurance Flash made easy with MCC
The MPLAB Code Configurator is changing the way I write embedded applications. Some of my (relatively) recent code is starting to look positively ancient by comparison. Take for example AN1673, “Using the PIC16F1XXX High-Endurance Flash (HEF) Block”. It was written in the … Continue reading
An MCC Mystery Solved
MPLAB Code Configurator is a tool that has revolutionised the way I work with microcontrollers. I use it every day, for each and every project and, in fact, I found out that I am creating more projects than ever because of … Continue reading
Posted in PIC16, Tips and Tricks, Tools
Tagged MCC, PIC16, RocketScience
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RADIX – PIC18F25K22 Rapid Prototyping
If you are looking for a nice prototyping board featuring a PIC18F25K22 , I would take a look at the RADIX boards by Zardynamics. For very little money you get a nice breakout of all device pins (coincidentally compatible mechanically and electrically … Continue reading
Chrome Extensions and the Ultimate Platform
The Chrome browser has never been my favourite for some mysterious (perhaps purely estetical) reason, but I have learned to appreciate it in recent time for the continuous (furious) effort the developer’s team has put into advancing its technology. Recent Chrome betas … Continue reading
USB Swiss Army Knife
It’s the small things, the smallest boards, that often make my day! This is the MCP2221 breakout board (ADM00559), and it is my new Swiss Army Knife. If you are not familiar already with the MCP product line, these are generally … Continue reading
Compiler Construction (in Python)
Learning <insert any subject here> has never been easier! Massive Open Online Courses are a real thing, and while we can debate how high we are at this point on the hype curve, the world is a better place because we … Continue reading