Monthly Archives: July 2008
Not a dsPIC!
The last two days of the Masters ’08 have been such a rush that I could not possibly find the time to write any more postings during the day, and I was too exhausted, once back home, to write the … Continue reading
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Scilab, FLEX and the Evidence
Third day of the Masters’08 and I discovered another little treasure. If you have been dreaming about using a tool like MATLAB to model your applications and to generate automatically your control algorithms, but you did not have the kind … Continue reading
Posted in Tools
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New compiler and new libraries for the PIC32
The MPLAB C32 compiler got today its first new release v1.03! And it is not just any minor update of the tool as the small version number change would have you believe… there are two important changes: 1- The math … Continue reading
freeRTOS for the PIC24 and PIC32
Today was my second day at the Masters 2008. After attending a number of excellent PIC32 classes (taught by the same architects and engineers that designed the chip and its libraries and tools) I sneaked out and went looking for … Continue reading
The Masters 2008 is here!
If you have never been at a Microchip Masters you don’t know what you are missing! This is an event where only engineers are allowed and you get to hear of the latest products and tools directly from the people … Continue reading
Modifying and Testing the code for the new GA1 and GB1 families
I have received a lot of request recently from readers, future PIC24 pilots, concerning the possibility to port the code from the book to the the newest families of PIC24 microcontrollers. The differences are not that big, but I have … Continue reading
Posted in PIC24, Tips and Tricks
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